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Introducing Angular v17

Last month marked the 13th anniversary of Angular’s red shield. AngularJS was the starting point for a new wave of JavaScript frameworks emerging to support the increasing need for rich web experiences. Today with a new look and a set of forward-thinking features we bring everyone along to the future with version 17, setting new standards for performance and developer experience.


Create Angular 16 MultiLingual Site with NGX Translate i18n

Create Angular 16 MultiLingual Site with NGX Translate i18n Create Angular 16 MultiLingual Site with NGX Translate i18n Published: December 1, 2023 — by Digamber Singh in Angular In this Angular 16 Internationalization (i18n) tutorial, we will look at how to create a MultiLingual Angular site using ngx-translate library.


Angular v16 is here!

Six months ago, we reached a significant milestone in Angular’s simplicity and developer experience by graduating the standalone APIs from developer preview. Today, we’re thrilled to share that we’re continuing the Angular Momentum with the biggest release since the initial rollout of Angular; making large leaps in reactivity, server-side rendering, and tooling. All this comes with dozens of quality-of-life improvements across feature requests, with over 2,500 combined thumbs up on GitHub!


Array intersection, difference, and union in ES6

ES6 arrays methods for set theory.


RxJs Mapping Operators like you have never seen

switchMap, mergeMap, concatMap and exhaustMap are rxjs flattening operatators. They help us to avoid situation where we have to nest subscription and things get messy.


5 Heroku Alternatives for Free Full Stack Hosting

Heroku’s cloud offering won’t be free for much longer, but there are still good alternatives if you’re looking to migrate.


Next.js 13: What's new?

Next.js 13 is the first across-the-board attempt to bring together React’s dual identities — the UI Library, and the Architecture. Overnight, all How To Build X With Next.js tutorials have become outdated.


Introduction to Angular Best Practices

What this post is about? Some suggestions to write not only better Angular also Javascript code. Concise but simple tips on performance with well-established examples. A teaser on some topics related to Angular and Javascript.


Share storage between different domains

Share data between multiple domains (for example an auth token) can be somehow hard as we all know that all browser side data storage APIs (Localstorage, cookies etc.) are related to one specific domain.


RxJS custom operators

Undoubtedly, it’s a wide array of operators that makes the RxJS library extremely powerful utility in a developer’s tool belt. I’ve recently written several custom operators in order to reuse some repetitive combinations of operators in a nifty way. In this blog post, I will introduce you to the concept of custom RxJS operators and present exemplary implementations.


Angular v15 is now available!

Over the past year we removed Angular’s legacy compiler and rendering pipeline which enabled the development of a series of developer experience improvements in the past couple of months. Angular v15 is the culmination of this with dozens of refinements which lead to better developer experience and performance.


Subscribing to Multiple Observables in Angular Components

Angular applications heavily rely on RxJS Observables. While building large front end apps with these technologies we quickly will need to learn how to manage subscribing to multiple Observables in our components. In this post we are going to cover five different ways to subscribe to multiple Observables and the pros and cons of each.


Generating SVG sprites (the easy way…)

SVG sprites are awesome for displaying icons, but what are the options for managing and updating the SVG sprite file easily?